Crewless Marine provides autonomous solutions for uncrewed maritime applications

At Crewless Marine, we specialize in technology tailored for uncrewed maritime operations. Leveraging our expertise in sensor development, embedded hardware design, acoustic signal processing, and data fusion, we provide end-to-end solutions for your uncrewed platforms.


Crewless Marine’s expertise in autonomous acoustic processing enables uncrewed operations across a range of industries.


Offshore Wind

Offshore Wind

Our hydrophone arrays and acoustic signal processing can monitor the acoustic emissions from wind turbines.

Marine Mammal Tracking

Marine Mammal Tracking

Our systems can provide autonomous detection, classification, and tracking of marine mammals.

Underwater Noise Pollution Monitoring

Underwater Noise Pollution Monitoring

Underwater noise can negatively impact vulnerable marine mammals. Our systems can provide unattended monitoring of ship noise.

Safety and Security

Safety and Security

Acoustics are a robust means of detecting, classifying, and tracking threat vessels on the ocean surface and below. Our systems can provide an end-to-end mitigator for these threats.


Crewless Marine can develop acoustic sensors for your systems. Leveraging our expertise in acoustic signal processing and autonomous technology, we can help integrate advanced acoustics into fully autonomous systems.

Products and Services

Research and Development

Crewless Marine can create an experimental array tailored to your data collection needs. Select from off-the-shelf or our custom hydrophones in your desired configuration and we will build your array using our data acquisition system and base-station analysis software. Our experimental arrays have been used in Florida, Narragansett Bay and Block Island Sound


At Crewless Marine, we offer comprehensive consulting and training services to support your uncrewed systems development. Whether you require expert guidance, embedded signal processing and automation solutions, or analysis and display software, we can meet your needs.

Commercial Products

Our commercial product line will be introduced in the spring of 2025.


New Rhode Island startup uses tech to track underwater threats and noise

In the News

Crewless Marine is proud to be accepted into SeaAhead’s BlueSwell Program.

Blueswell cohort v

Crewless Marine collaborated with a graduate student at Unity Environmental University on his Capstone project, which was related to the acoustic impact of offshore wind.

University Collaboration


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